Weight (no batteries) £º 760 lbs
Load Capacity £º 875 lbs
Height (no top) £º 4' 6¡°
Tires (4-ply R/T Mud/6-ply Ruff & Tuff Street) £º22 x 11 x 10
Tire Pressure (R/T Street) £º10-15 psi
Tire Pressure (R/T Mud) £º10-15 psi
Lights £º55-watt Halogen
Brakes £ºRear wheel drum with automatic adjusting mechanism
Motor £º48-volt D.C. 14 H.P
Electric voltage £º48-volt D.C. Six 8-volt maintenance free
Forward/Reverse Switch £ºSolid state push button
Speed Controller £º650-amp solid state
Speed £º18-22 mph
Charger £ºFully automatic and portable